Oracle PL/SQL Tutorials

Introduction To Oracle PL/SQL


                 PL/SQL is Oracle's procedural extension to SQL, the standard database access language. It is an advanced fourth-generation programming language. PL/SQL and SQL have built-in treatment of the relational database domain. PL/SQL is a database-oriented programming language that extends Oracle SQL with procedural capabilities.

 In PL/SQL, you can manipulate data with SQL statements and control program flow with procedural constructs such as loops. You can also do the following:


  • Declare constants and variables
  • Define procedures and functions
  • Use collections and object types
  • Trap runtime errors

Applications written in any of the Oracle programmatic interfaces can call PL/SQL stored procedures and send blocks of PL/SQL code to Oracle Database for execution. 3GL applications can access PL/SQL scalar and composite datatypes through host variables and implicit datatype conversion. A 3GL language is easier than assembler language for a human to understand and includes features such as named variables. Unlike 4GL, it is not specific to an application domain.
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Advantages of PL/SQL

  • High Performance
  • High Productivity
  • Scalability
  • Manageability
  • Object-Oriented Programming Support
  • Portability
  • Security
  • Built-In Packages