Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oracle PL/SQL Interview Questions-5

what is difference b/w pravite procedures and public procedures?

How to export the table data (this table having 18 million records) to .csv file. Please tell me is there any faster way to export the data.

How to get employee name from employee table which is the fiveth highest salary of the table

need to split a string into seperate values. eg. col1 col2 ---------- 100 - 'a,b,c' 200 - 'a,x,b,d,e' 300 - 'c' result: value count ------------- a - 2 b - 1 c - 2 etc.

How many levels can subqueries be nested in a FROM clause?

using comand prompt how can import table data and table space with example

how can create data base link for tow servers (scott schema) give examples plz

if a table is getting updated what happens if a function is called from sql query?

There is a sequence with min value 100. I want to alter this sequence to min value as 101. If the table has already data in the sequence column as 100,101,102... Is it possible to do so ?

Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table. (there is a column SALARY)

what is the difference between cursor FETCH and FOR LOOP ?

what will be the output: select 1 from emp union all select 2 from emp;

Write a query to find the name of employees those who have joined on Monday.(based on column hire_date)

i have a table eno dno sal 1 10 200 2 10 150 3 10 100 4 20 75 5 20 100 i want to get sal which is less than the avg sal of thri dept. eno dno sal 2 10 150 3 10 100 4 20 75

write a query to find out the no. of employees whose age is less than 25 and max of salary for the employees belonging to a particular department is less than 20000

What is mutating trigger?How to avoid it??

can we delete the trigger in a view? if yes why if not why?

what is the difference between implicit and explicit trigger

how to sort records in sql?

can we call a procedure from a function?